Hello. Can anyone advice (or have access to AIchatGPD3/4). we are 5 flats and I’m one of the owners and director of our residents management co. Regarding flat 5 the absent owner hasn’t paid the full amount for two years so each month her old DD pays half what’s owed. She won’t respond and we don’t know where she’s staying. The flat is empty and not being maintained. We think a constant overflow drip is from her flat and is causing issues and potential coats to us to maintain.I’ve emailed her on several occasions and currently threatened legal action ( but she doesn’t visit the flat) but no reply. WHATS THE LEGAL POSITION ON GAINING ACCESS/ IS EMAILING A LEGAL LETTER ONLY OPTION, CAN WE DO MORE ? As her flat on the roof her windows also falling apart and we all will suffer as our flats below, if this lack of maintenance continues.ANY HELP WELCOME,THANKS
Contact the Leasehold Advisory Service for specialist advice.
She may have died? I still get letters from the Inland Revenue to my address 3 years after I moved here To the old owner who has died. I have sent 2 letters back saying “deceased”. Still letters arrive .I now just bin them
Hi no she’s young and in good health as another owner met her a month ago to try and get her to meet her responsibilities
Thanks David . I’m hoping to find out what we can do as it’s awful a flat affecting our buildings integrity and we had maintenance done that she also owed £800 for on top of the two years of half the amount she’s left on the old DD.
I bought a flat a few years ago and the owner had not paid the service charges for a few years. The management company had registered a charge against the property ,so when I bought it that amount he owed was first deducted from what he received. ( as a last resort option)
Thanks will do that too. More urgently access needed to look at the leaking /stop cock overflowing constantly causing us issues
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