Please advise. This owner won’t reply. She’s not maintained the flat , or paid towards recent works . Only an old DD of Half the basic monthly payment going in to cover communal electrics and insurance. HOW CAN WE FIND HER? I’ve no sort code as she pays it in by standing order, I tried . A WET PATCH ON CEILING APPEARED ON THE FKAT Below HERS TODAY. I messaged but nothing . Can we gain entry to investigate and change locks ? We are leasehold and previously I asked the landlord to Persue her but said that’s our residents management company ( me and the other owners ) responsibility. PLEASE HELP IF ANYTHING WE Can DO. Thanks
Try using a tracing agent to find her. If that fails, speak to the Leasehold Advisory Service about the managing agent’s legal options to enter the property and whether you need a court order.
Thanks David, I’ll try this .
David, in your experience, how do we get a guarantor involved if I’m changing the tenants contract for the next year. Her husband left her and she’s a good tenant with a child and works . Thanks
Assuming this was a joint tenancy, I would not change the contract if I were you. She can continue to live there legitimately under the existing one and keeping it means that the husband also remains liable for any arrears. If he serves a valid notice to quit, the position changes.
Goodness, are you sure she’s not died up there…damp patch on the ceiling, body may not have been found. I’d recommend a police welfare check unless someone has seen her. Also i think you said she has a child too… someone must have heard them …perhaps check with the neighbours in the block too.
There is a clause in the Party Wall act allowing an adjoining owner to enter to do repairs, if in the end the adjoining owner does not respond. However I’m not sure if it covers this case, and in any case it’s a long process - and not cheap as you’d need to appoint a surveyor etc. You first course of action might be to ask the police to do a welfare check
Can you gain entry and change the locks?
That’s legislation for Squatters & Burglars on that basis.
Kevin41, are you suggesting illegally evicting a current tenant?
No the post stated should he gain entry and change the locks!!!
Suicide if any fool does that-
That’s why I said Burhlars and Squatters would have a field day if you were allowed to do it.
No we are all owbers of the flats. She’s left it u occupied or maintained… wont reply to emails or calls and as we are leaseholders she’s in breach as huge damage coukd occour from her flat as locates in our roof at the top of a converted coach house . Very unreasonable. Knew her well we used to be friends when I lived there becure I moved out to marry abs let mine out now . I’m the director of our residents management company.
So is the flat now unoccupied? Where are the tenants living? Do they return to the flat? Is their stuff still there? Have you done an inspection?
No, the unoccupied flat has never been rented out by the owner . She left as imagined all sorts of issues going on with the building next door . During lockdown. Since 2/3 years ago she left it empty . Wont reply or maintain or pay towards what we do .
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