Open Rent AST without deposit collecting

Quick question from a first time landlord through Open Rent if I may… I’ve found my tenants but note that on signing the AST the deposit is collected and paid to I’d prefer to collect the deposit myself and protect it through the scheme I’ve used before, does anyone know if I can still use the Open Rent AST if I choose to not have the deposit collected?

Thanks in advance!

Could you not speak / send email to OPen rent team and clarify

I can, but thought it might have been quicker to ask the Open Rent Community if they had done similar.

You can’t use rent now and do deposit separately.

That was my main objection to using Rent Now, as I’ve always used DPS and found them very good
However, OpenRent only use mydeposits, so I’ve had to use them for the last 2 tenancies using OpenRent
On balance. the benefits of using OpenRent outweigh the negative of having to use an additional deposit scheme, but I’d prefer to have a choice and use DPS