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Hi everyone

I am in the process of taking back the property from the estate agents and managing it myself.

The estate agent was not communicating, emailing or call back the ternants nor myself up until a month before the end of the 12 months contract. This meant that the two month period notice would be difficuilt to meet and increase rent.

Later, I decided to ask the agent if l can be managing the property myself at the end of the contract, but the agent turned back that they didn’t know that l wanted the tenants to leave the property too. So, l offered to give tenants a 2 months notice even when the contract had come to an end at the same rent price. The agent accepted to serve the ternants a 2 months notice and assured me that it would be done at no cost but took a fee.

Later on, the tenants informed me that the agent assured them that they could stay if they wished to as they like the place. I said the house will be advertised and all enquiries will be dealth with accordingly. The house was advertised, but these tenants did not make any inquiries because they wanted to be taken over and without moving out.

The agent is now saying that l contacted the ternants, and l should pay a monthly rent equivalent plus 20% VAT for ternants to continue staying in the propery ( by virtue contract?). However, this is not stated in terms and conditions.

Please help me with how you would navigate this if you were in my shoes regardless of your size :grinning:

Thank you for your support in advance.

Is your goal to evict the tenants or increase the rent? The rent can be increased with a S13 notice. No need for a new fixed term.

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