Quick question re notice period

My tenants just gave one month notice from today. Their payment date is 11th of month. When do they need to vacate the property and I assume just one more payment is due ?

The default position is that tenants have to give a minimum of one month notice expiring at the end of a tenancy period, (usually, but not always the day before rent day). If their tenancy runs from 11th of a month to the 10th of the next month then if they gave notice after 11th November, the earliest their tenancy can end is 10 January.

Having said that, if your tenancy agreement over-rides this by just asking for a bare 1 month notice, then that is what would apply.

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So an option could be that if they wish to vacate on 24th December ie. an exact month from today then I could offer to allow them to pay pro rata. Meaning they would pay for 13 days from 11th December to 24th December ?

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You can offer what you want. You can accept short notice if you want and accept pro-rata rent if you wish. However you can also insist on tull notice and full rent payment. I recently accepted a bare one month notice/payment from a tenant who had lost their job due to Covid.

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Yes David, it is a young couple badly affected by Covid (as many people are, sadly). I will see what they wish to do and try to accomodate.

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They have been great tenants, btw.

That sounds like the right thing to do Steve11

Ok. The update is they are vacating on 24th Dec and paying pro rata for the days imbetween.
I also offered them reduced rent for 3 months if that would help but they politely declined. They are only young but have obviously got a lot of integrity and the sums don’t add up for them. Will be sorry to lose them.

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Could they not get housing allowance?

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