Renewing a tenancy agreement

Hi, I have been with UPAD for the past 3 years but they have just gone bust. I was in the process of renewing a tenancy agreement with my tenants. I would now like to switch to Openrent but I don’t need all the services of the Rent Now option. How do I just purchase the digital tenancy agreement package? Thanks

Hi Rachel,

You can buy our tenancy creation package, which is called Rent Now to create a tenancy. It is a one-off fee of £49 and future renewals are completely free.

You just need to create a free listing on our site (which takes about 3 mins) and then ask the tenants to click the Rent Now button on the advert.

They can then place a holding deposit as a formal request to rent the property. You will get a text asking you to accept it.

You can skip the referencing stage as you are already happy with your tenants and have no need to reference them.

Then you’ll proceed to the tenancy deposit and contract stages. The whole process is here.

Let us know how it goes! I hope OpenRent works well for you.


How soon will the tenant have the holding deposit returned?

Hi Christina, what is the context?

If the holding deposit is place and the tenancy goes ahead, then it is deducted from the move-in money.
