Renting difficulty

I am f32 working full time, my bf is 33 also working full time, between us we earn over £45k a year. We are trying to move in together but he has one CCJ from several years ago when he fell on hard times and missed some car payments. He pays it off monthly and has never missed a payment and other than this we have no other CCJ or current financial issues.
However, because of this we are struggling to get approved for a property through an agency. I suppose I could understand if it had just happened in the last couple of years but it isn’t. He’s much older and wiser and has learnt from his mistake but now we cannot find a place together.
What do we do now? Both of our current landlords need us out as his is selling the house and mine is wanting to do renovations so we are on limited time now.
We have deposit and even a few months rent available.
Is there any hope of finding something?

I would think that is good depends where you want to rent tho…, be honest with a landlord and explain the past

If he is still paying the CCJ off monthly? then its still a current unpaid debt in my eyes
I would settle the CCJ in full as soon as possible.

If the debt is a few years old why hasn’t he settled it in full already ?

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