Repairs not being adequately done by labourer who seems to know nothing

I need advice please. I have rented this property for 8 years. The last 4 with a new landlord and letting agents. This is a 2up2 down terrace. The living room window is large. And since the day we moved in it constantly rains in. Pores in past few rains. It covers me, my furniture and belongings. I’m constantly painting the wall due to damp, and even though the letting agent does send someone for repairs it’s never worked. We constantly tell him we feel it’s the window at fault. The labourer has done the gutters, the front part of the roof, even plastered just under the eaves, it’s a mess but he tried it. They even replaced the front bedroom window. Wich also was too small and the bottom pane is bust so I cannot see anything in damper winter months. Everything but replace the window downstairs. I send videos etc. my complaint is the labourer who I feel has no qualifications and talks out his you know what. I’m sick of the same rubbish being spouted. Where do I go next because enough is enough. Any advice helpful.

complain to the landlord or agent… Explain the situation, give them a month to sort. if not go to L/A housing officer… Or move

LA? I’m not sure who that is?

Local Authority or council

Thankyou. Have been considering doing that.

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