So I’ve had some work done by my landlord since moving to my flat, including issues involving internal doors, the toilet and taps. These were not caused in any way by me as a tenant, and generally were pre-existing issues from before I moved in that gradually got worse over time. My landlord commissioned this work, but has now told us that we are responsible for paying for it, either in cash or out of our deposit. We feel this is unjust, but are others aware of the specific laws we can use to prove this, and highlight that work carried out by a landlord cannot retrospectively be billed the the tenant?
landlord to fix if you have not caused them by damage.
i just do not understand landlords like this.
Copied from external source:
"In most cases, landlords are responsible for the majority of repairs to the exterior and structure of a property. Landlords cannot opt out of their legal obligations, under section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, to make repairs to:
The exterior and structure of the property (including walls, stairs, bannisters, doors, windows, roof and guttering)
Sanitary fittings (basins, sinks, baths, etc) and drains and pipes
Damp and mould – this is often a contentious issue and disputes are common over whether this is the landlord or tenant’s responsibility. It can in some circumstances be both (read more about damp and mould responsibilities )
Any damages caused while attempting to make repairs
These repairing obligations cannot be changed by anything written into a tenancy agreement and landlords cannot charge tenants for any repairs that fall under these mandatory responsibilities."
Does it mean that if sewage pipe has been blocked by T flushing sanitary towles/drain blocked by pouring fat down, LL still cannot charge T because these repairs fall under these mandatory responsibilites?
Is there an inventory/schedule of condition signed by you at the start of the tenancy, and if so what does it say about the issues with the doors, toilet and taps?
Some ASTs state what the tenants responsibilities are in maintaining the property. For example, NRLA AST specifically mentions that;
“Tenants should take reasonable steps not to cause blockage of drains etc.” Therefore if the tenant was negligent in their actions it would be reasonable for a LL to bill the tenant for causing the blockage.