Hello, advice please. Legal route has started regarding RGI and Legal team re the next step.
I have not heard any communications for my handover date?
Since section 21 issued, I gave 3 months notice with the option to leave early, contract was 12 months and finishing next month,
My tenants have since stopped paying, split up, then back together, then split, although I really do not know what’s going on, it’s personal situation to them.
I have had several small payments from the man. but arrears are mounting.
We allowed x 3 cats, which I added into the contract, that is all.
I hear there is dog now and breeding of cats and selling. although I cannot prove this. My Neighbours are distraught with noise, and police visits!
I would like to re- advertise, should I go ahead? assuming they/she will be leaving plus x2 children.