That’s very useful to know. Thanks Karl. So, if there’s a problem, would I be able to give two month’s notice at, say, four months in, and regain possession six months after the start of the tenancy?
Would your prospective tenants be actually lodgers if it is your main residence you are letting out during your travels? You dont need a license for lodgers…
Yes Ewa, I’ve wondered about the difference between a lodger and a tenant. Does the landlord need to be in residence for the lodger status to apply? Do both landlord and lodger need to be living in the property at the same time? In any case, the landlord is still relying on the goodwill of the tenant/lodger when the time comes to regain possession.
The landlord usually has to be living there for most of the period the lodgers are present, although I have heard some say that if youre there at the start and the end and you can prove that it remains your primary residence throughout, that a court might agree that theyre lodgers if its challenged. This would definitely be one to get expert legal opinion on though, as if the judge didnt agree, you could be guilty of illegal eviction.
Asking AI’s a great idea, Ewa. Here’s what my mate Chatty has to say:
“Yes, for someone to be classified as a lodger rather than a tenant, the landlord must live in the property as their main or only home at the same time as the lodger.
If the landlord moves out, the lodger could gain tenant rights, meaning they would be protected under standard tenancy laws, including eviction procedures and deposit protection.”
Chatty’s not always right but I trust it on legal matters.
Hi Frank - has the stay started? I would suggest you use AirB&B - you have the benefit of their insurance, I find them good to deal with - I am a SuperHost and Guest fave so I get priority treatment. I never rent to new guests off the platform because I need to know who guests are first. This is afterall a short term guest not really a tenant, just adjust the rate to fit with the rent you have agreed.
Hi Susan, I’m not familiar with Airbnb hosting and assumed that 3 months would be too long a period. I don’t even know how you avoid bad clients on Airbnb. I’ll check it out if I ever do this again. Thanks.