I have currently got my flat on the market to sell, but not having much luck (assuming to do with brexit ect) My current tenant is moving out next month, and I would ideally like to get a short term let in there to cover me for the next few months - possibly turning into a longer term one if I cant get the asking price for the property. Im in no rush to sell it at a silly price!
Is this ok??
What you suggest is a potential approach but the downsides are the risk of no or limited access to prospective buyers if your tenant does not play ball, the risk that your property is not presented as well as it could be if cluttered up with potentially untidy tenant stuff (you have the opportunity to spruce it up for sale when existing tenant leaves) and risk that a tenant might put off owner occupiers if that is your target market. If however you are targeting landlords then a new tenant in situe might be an advantage. I have flip flopped on sales of a holiday cottage and a rental flat in the past and have concluded it is best not to mix renting and selling. That’s my personal view, others might do otherwise. I’ve also tried to sell in this brexit infested market and concluded it is not worth trying despite recent reports in an impetus to complete before Halloween. Again this is just my personal view.
Hope this helps
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I went to see a property to buy once and the seller had tenants in it >I will never forget it There was dog mess all over the gravel driveway. Under the stairs the dirty sock smell was terrible. Th place was so untidy. When I saw the agent I told him to tell the seller why I would not buy it. DONT DO IT
Great advice!! Thanks so much for replying, I will definitely have a serious think about how to go about this…