Tenants 19 year old daughter not listed as Named Tenant


I have recently rented out my property through Openrent and using the RentNow. For Named Tenants I’ve only listed the husband and wife but not their 19 year old daughter (as my understanding was that tenants children can be permitted occupiers). Also as the daughter is not listed as Named Tenant so there was no referencing but I did completed the Right to Rent checks for all three and she is also listed as a permitted occupier on the Right to Rent form (from RLA website) I completed.

Now I’ve come to know that I can’t apply for the rentguard insurance as it’s one of their conditions that all 18+ should be listed as Named Tenants and reference checked. My question is if there are any other legal implications for this?

Any advice will be appreciated.


The main thing is you have hus & wife who want your place as their home and they were referenced. On a practical level the daughter is very likely to want to spread her wings and be looking for own place before long. If referencing was ok I don’t think you have too much to worry about.

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Had rent guarantee insurance for last 4 years with 2 previous tenants, never had to use that. Only this time went ahead without insurance (couldn’t take it as the 19 year old was not named tenant) and ended up with a non paying tenant despite of clearing the referencing. Got my lesson…

I wouldnt worry about the rent guarantee insurance. Such products don’t have a great rep with many landlords.

I think making the daughter a permitted occupier is fine and not illegal, but you should check the terms of your landlord insurance policy and any mortgage you might have as they sometimes have similar conditions about 18+ occupants.