Tenants Complained About Mice Entering the Flat

Hi all,

Can anyone please advise on this scenario: the tenants who just moved in 4 months back complained about seeing mice entering the flat which is on the ground floor and has a door opening to the terrace. My question is: if mice coming in from outside and they have and will always have the door open, then it is not landlord’s responsibility to stop mice coming in and it will not be even possible to stop mice outside of the flat? I have already paid for the property management agent to send pest control 2 months back when they first complained, and the pest control did not stop the issue.

The previous tenants living there never complained about mice.

If you’ve got them, you’ve got them, doesn’t matter if previous tenants had or hadn’t. Put a few snap traps out with peanut butter bait and see if any bite. They only stay if there’s a food source.

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