Greetings, I have new tenants moving in in seven days and due to problems with referencing, they have agreed to pay five months rent upfront. I know Openrent does not charge landlord’s for collecting the first month’s rent. However, I know Openrent has a paid rent collection service - which i do not need. I am, unsure whether Openrent will charge me for collecting more than a month’s rent in advance ?
Any insights would be appreaciated. Thanking you in advance.
Openrent has a paid rent collection service as part of their Rent Now service, I think it’s £10 p/m if I recall. This is by no means mandatory, and you can de-select that box when you are at the contract stage. Assuming you have not selected this service, then I can’t see how Openrent would charge you for the rent collection. If I were in your position, I would ask the tenant to pay Openrent the usual one month rent and deposit, and request the remaining four months to be paid directly to me.
Thank you for your insight. The thought of asking my new tenants to pay the bulk of the rent to me crossed my mind but then I wasn’t so sure. I eventually contacted Openrent and was told that there is no charge whatsoever for any rent collected upfront. Thank you once again.
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