6 Months break clause

Hi all,

I recently moved to a new property. My landlord refuses to pay back my deposit because I left after 9 months from 12 months contract with 6 months break clause.

6 months break clause, what does that mean? that I can leave only at 6 months with 1 month notive before end of contract or any time in the last 6 months.

I also attached my tenancy agreement.

Hi, are there any terms that describe the break clause? (In addition to the passing mention in the TERM section.)

Hi Sam,

There’s no description or any orther attached documents to this agreement.

What about where that page says there are terms ‘overleaf’?

There is nothing more! That’s the only page lanlord gave to me! I can see now huge mistake I’ve made…

A six month break clause would usually mean that you can end the contract after six months by activating the break clause. How to activate the break clause is usually described in the tenancy’s terms.

I would recommend getting legal advice on your specific situation. It seems likely that the landlord will have not met all their obligations, which may have a bearing on their willingness to withhold your deposit.

Did you mutually agree in writing to end the tenancy? Or did you just move out and stop paying the rent?

I did give nitice over text message, lanlord was on holiday and did not want to talk about it at that moment. After 2 weeks husband of the landlord called me to let me know that I’m breaching the contract and he’s not going to give me the deposit.

Go to the citizens advice centre

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