Advice please from landlords

Don’t lecture me you know absolutely nothing about me, and those Daily Mail stereotypes are laughable. I work hard for my wage. Something tells me you like a drink given the shocking grammar in your response. Did your children work hard for those houses or are you proving my point?

I’ve given you the basic economics (the stuff you’ve clearly benefitted from) if you can’t respond coherently or intelligently I won’t bother. Landlordism provides nothing for the economy, it’s a matter of skimping other people’s wages or benefits: a form of economic parasitism.

Well good morning all, from what I am located. @Donna28 sorry about the health issues, I would suggest you look up Joe Dispenza and read his life story, he has hundreds of videos free. You are fortunate to have benefits… something I’ve never had nor will I ever have. But from @Mark10 - It seems DSS are 3 x as likely to be troublesome from the stat mentioned below. I am not the right person to speak about the Social Welfare State… I’ve never lived in a country that has one effectively. Whilst I hope it pays out for people like you who have contributed to it - I hope it stops paying out for people who abuse it and migrate to UK specifically to abuse it - yes I’ve had these types of tenants too Czechs who asked me to help them abuse the system. I’ve worked from age 15 and am older than you and I wont get any Government aid and I accept that. I suspect @Tim_Ira is not native British from other chats we’ve had?

As for @Laurence6 I think you need to move to China to see if your communist leanings work for you, having said this China has self declared it did not achieve a communist state after Mao - you will find perhaps free housing but other elements that don’t agree with you. You will be pleased to know I’m selling my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th property = less property to rent, and rents will increase from the new owners, and FYI the DSS guy who has been in one since 2018 I’ve not raised the rent once! who is winning in this case? He’s also been in prison, is violent and a drug addict, so this fits nicely with your stance that we are charities for the element of society who can live like this because of the Welfare State… In most of Asia you don’t get this privilege of free drugs, free housing at the cost of society.

“Right to Buy” was when DSS lot could buy and did buy then figured out they couldn’t meet their bills as they couldn’t budget and they could make a profit by selling back to those same Landlords you blame for all of life’s problems. I’ve just been told this as I’m not a native Brit and didn’t know this ponzi scheme or ponzie as you put it.

I’m with you on MP’s Britain is at a global low on the chart of corruption … it’s not a place I would ever live in again or keep my money in. Donna should however benefit from increased rent allowance which the Gov has not increased for 13 years.


Have edited post to include

The “above” starts to lecture us and then accuses me of doing it to him. ! He would make a good MP.

He is a troll. “Don’t feed the trolls” is a general rule. You, on the other hand, won’t make a good MP. Take it as a compliment, Colin. Your TT are lucky to have you as their landlord. I suspect you go above and beyond with TT who are decent and deserve to be treated well.

We do, too. We have T who just left, two weeks before her 6 months AST ended. We decided to pay council tax for these two weeks, regardless of her being legally responsible because she doesn’t live there anymore, she works hard for her money, and she’s been a great T. We didn’t have to do it, but it felt morally right.
As a partyng gift, we have a bottle of Bayleys from her. Nice.

Tim you are right about “do not feed” or it goes on and on. I do have good tenants 10 years to about 25 years duration . Low turnover . I have also lived in a few of my places in between house moves . It helps being a joiner/builder as I did complete renovations myself

Love straight-talking people who give as good as they get and don’t mince their words. Very refreshing to hear in a society where people are afraid to say what they think because somebody will always get offended (and may even sue for discrimination).

… it’s not a place I would ever live in again or keep my money in.

Are you leaving the UK, Susan? Good for you. I keep toying with the idea. Unfortunately, I’m quite ill, and it goes against me. Will you stay somewhere in the EU?

And Laurence will be “Ponzie” from now on ))). Illiterate guy who attacks spelling of others.

After 40 years of work I retired with a pension 2 years ago. I bought a couple of BTL properties and continue to work part-time. I have taken out mortgages for the properties and in doing so engaged the services of a mortgage broker, solicitor, accountant, plumber, electrician, decorator, builder, cleaner. I then pay tax on any income and in turn those businesses and trades people will pay tax on the income they generate from my BTL business so we are all making a contribution to the economy.


It will fall on deaf ears .Chip on shoulder people will never be convinced Chris

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My belief is you’re wasting your breath on such people. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Ponzie :rofl: didn’t come for common sense or facts. He came for a good ol’ trolling if you read his previous posts.

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Ponzie, I’ve seen you begging near Tesco, telling people that you’re homeless. Than collecting your rent money and spending it on lottery tickets and a stack of dope. Tell me more about economic parasitism, please.

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I gave you the basic economics, Mr Leach. I think your attitude toward some of the most vulnerable in society is totally unbecoming of a “professional”.

And yes, a ponzie. What’s cool is more & more people in the country dislike private landlords, I wonder why given the bigotry and bile you seem to be partial to.

Take it back housing back into council stock, build a bunch more (and burst the artificial bubble) & swap you lot with refugees, they’ll actually contribute to society.

Good morning, Ponzie. Tell me more about economic parasitism. How was your trip yesterday?

The government are holding Landlords to account yet again making it illeagle for LL’s to refuse SS applications labelling it “application discrimination”. However, the government is aware that there are issues with Landlord insurance who insist that the tenants have to be working professionals. My insurers who provide me with very good cover at a good price are no exception to this policy.
I don’t want to change insurers so as far as I’m concerned through no fault of my own I.currently can’t consider DSS applications

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“take it back housing back” . What shocking grammar

I think the Tenant Fees Act ( which stipulates when landlords can charge extra fees) would prohibit this. The way round it though would be just to agree a higher rent. It will still be down to affordability.

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*Immediately proceeds to stereotype all landlords…


That is exactly what trolls do . Pot calls the kettle black.


I would use the section 8 route it’s a lot easier than section 21- you supply the court eith tgdd Ed correspondence you have sent the tenant and also that he has consistently refused access.

I think a lot of DSS tenants are very decent people. The real problem is though that the money people are given for rent is not sufficient so even with the best will in the world it remains a problem. In our area for eg if you look at the recommended income/rent ratios, the minimum income is about 36k and that is not affordable for most on DSS unless a big family and our properties are too small for that.
It is a travesty that there is no decent social housing building programme and that most have been sold off. Hopefully that will be addressed in due course.