Compensate Tenant for 2-3days of bathroom work?

Hello everyone, there are a few threads about this but I thought it would be good to get a specific response.

I have had a problem in my rented flat with a leak for a few months now, the tenants have been very accomodating with regard to appointments for plumbers. It turns out the problem is the waste pipes are very old (copper) and the seal where it enters the soil stack has failed. Bath and vanity will have to be removed to get to waste pipes from the bath and basin where they enter the stack. It will take 2-3 days of work, and while they will lose use of the bath/shower they will still have the toilet.

Would you offer the tenant compensation? They are not my best tenants and I don’t feel I need to go out of my way to placate them, but I also want to do the right thing. I’ve never expected or received compensation from a landlord over anything before either. If you did offer something, how many days worth of rent would you offer?

Just keen to get the general consensus and do what’s right.


I wouldn’t compensate unless the inconvenience has really dragged on. But if you have been quick to respond with minimal disruption I can’t see what the issue is and would expect any tenant to be understanding.

I had a drain collapse which put shower out of use for a few days. Tenants were happy to use gym shower or relatives.

Part of living in any property is dealing with inevitable problems.

I also think it sets a precedent if you compensate.


I wouldn’t offer anything. I’d simply state that it’s just part of what’s needed and give them fair warning of the situation. If I was a T in that situation, I’d simply arrange to shower at a friend’s place. That’s what friends are for.

Don’t forget that higher LL expenses justify increased rent so you’re doing them a favour by not offering it and thereby increasing your costs.

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Thanks for the replies, makes sense.

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