Current Landlord refusing to give reference


I am 90% through the reference process with my new potential tenants. However, their current landlord is being extremely uncooperative, which i don’t see changing. The tenants have passed all other reference checks and have given me no reason to doubt that they would be good tenants.

My gut tells me to just proceed with out the landlord ref. Has anyone else had this problem?


going back a few years I had a couple with a landlord who wanted £50 for a reference. I said “do not do it” Took them on with a good gut feeling and all was ok

Is there any reason why LL won’t give a reference, do you know? We are currently bombarded with reference requests for our evicted T, who is very likeable, has great social skills and can make the right impression on just anybody. The same way as she’d made a good impression on us.

Is there a phone number you can use to talk to LL? They may be hesitant to put anything on paper for fear of litigation. We would love to give a bad (factual) reference to our T but we know how contentious she is and how much trouble we can have from her. We don’t fancy going courts again after all we just recently have gone through.

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Have you phoned to speak to him? You might get an answer to a quick question.

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