I am doing some research and would like if any tenants reading this post if you could answer following questions…
what are the problems you are facing with your agency and or landlord?
why do you rent?
what is stopping you from owning a property?
what should be out there in the market that isn’t that would help you solve your problems (this could be a general problem or a problem with your agency/landord)
as a tenant in west midlands I can answer few questions:
one of the biggest problems I face is the requirement to sign a long-term contract. Some landlords/agencies require a minimum of 6 month and others required a minimum of 10 month which is too much for me.
I rent because I am a student and I do not own a flat/house yet.
Financial freedom/funds
flexible contracts during the covid-19 pandemic (specially from landlords/agencies dealing with university students).