Today I had an Electrical Installation Condition Report done and it failed. The electrician said it failed as there was no RCD protection from the ground floor meter (located in the communal meter cupboard) to the consumer unit in my flat (second floor).
My question is, who is responsible for the cables to my flat? The property is 30 years old.
We have a management company you look after the whole development.
I’m going to have to pay for RCD protection at the meter and remove from the consumer unit. Also pay to have the EICR done again.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Kind Regards
Hello Susan
I would sugest that you check the contract with the maintenance company. I would expect them to be responsible for any communal areas outside your flat
Before, it was the gas man and now it is the electrician’s turn to milk the landlords.
I am afraid it is mandatory to have the electrical certificate and have the work done.
Every inspection will fail but if you make an agreement with the electrician, he will pass it and give you a certificate for 3 years. Next time you have to have it done, tell them that you need RCD installed and then the inspection certificate. It will work out cheaper.
Wait till the fun starts when the powers that be makes metal boxes illegal for two years and then metal box legal 2 years after that.
how do you mean make an ageement and get a 3 year certificate ?
Okay, what happens is that it is up to the electricians discretion on how long to give you a certificate for (unlike gas which is a standard 1 year). So instead of giving a 5 year, they will give you a 3 year certificate because the fuse box doesn’t have the RCD.
wow thats good to know .Thanks
Just be a little careful on the advice you take notice of. RCD or no RCD it is your legal duty of care to provide a safe and habitable property. This was always the case prior to mandatory certification, and if you did not have the wiring periodically tested you could still be in the frame. Older installations may not have RCD protection and may still pass an EICR, but likely with an advisory (C2 or C3) to have it installed. Though some electricians may still fail it. I would suggest, knowingly cutting corners and not having RCD protection (particularly in light of a C3 advisory) could result in you being held responsible in the event of electrocution/fire in your property, even if it’s “not your fault”, such as a kiddie sticking a fork in a socket.
Hello Susan,
I believe your electrician is incorrect in stating that you need an RCD before the consumer unit, as you would not be connecting any equipment between the meter and your consumer unit. I would take this up with the organisation that your electrician claims to have been approved by. Unless there are very unusual circumstances, he sounds incompetent.
Hi Susan,
Older installations may have the RCD prior to the consumer unit, very old may not.
My advise to you is to use a regular electrician who would call you if there are any failures whilst he or she is doing the inspection, then if it was going to fail you could authorise the changes and achieve a pass.
The RCD is there to protect a number of things, one being the cables which are aging too. I would also say if you have an electric shower you should have an RCBO protecting that.
So bite the bullet, even update the panel as you will get an RCD, latest box and protection for between £300-£500 depending on the electrician, whether they are VAT registered and the size of your property. You will automatically get a certificate so you should save on paying for that separately.
It’s not worth taking the risk
Be safe - be a good landlord
Its all about fire rating now, hence metal boxes.
Thanks to everyone who replied. I’m happy to say its sorted and I have a current cert.
The flat’s consumer unit has always been protected with an RCD it was just the cable from the ground floor meter cupboard running to my second floor flat that was not. The first electrician failed this as it was not possible to determine whether the cable was less than 50mm depth in any wall. The second electrician passed this and said it was classed as a ‘limitation’. He also said 9 out of 10 electricians would of passed it but it is somewhat down to the individual doing the testing.
keep hold of the 2nd elec number and scrap the first, The first is a money grabber
fire rating ?? I remember metal boxes of years ago being replaced by plastic as being SAFER now they say metal is safer as it wont burn so quick in a fire what about all the plastic inside it? So when are we being lied to ? Years ago or now ? It smells strongly of jobs for the boys!!( wait for it… indignant replies)
Couldn’t agree more Colin, just offering the official line that is a fire occurs in the box it will be contained enough time to allow people to escape.
Every year the certification board find something to charge for, electricians have to go on courses which cost them time, lost income and have to pay for the course.
What for RCBOs on all circuits (which isn’t actually a bad idea and might bring the exorbitant prices down).
A couple of years ago, it was plastic now it is metal. I remember about 5 years ago it was metal so they keep changing every few years.
Good money, if you are an electrician.
Bad news for Landlords.
Hi All
We provide a service for all EICR Reports and Remedial work to meet the new regulations,we can help all landlords and tenants to meet the new regulations for EICR Testing and provide all the reports we are Napit Approved.
contact 4Site Electrical Services Limited 07715597315 - 01438 576742 if you require a test and certificate to be carried out.