Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

Hi all, I’m hoping that you may be able clarify some EICR issues I have.

  1. What is the maximum period an EICR can be issued for? I’ve been told 5 years if the testing electrian is NICEIC registered and 10 years if NAPIT, however can be less at the engineers discretion ?
  2. 3 years ago, I had an EICR completed with just a couple of minor C3 recommendations. The engineer (NICEIC) stated re-test in 2 years, but many say ignore that, it’s 5 years ? What should I do ?
    As always, your help and valued advice is much appreciated.

The maximum period that it remains valid is 5 years. If the electrician records that a re-test must be done sooner, then you have to comply and unless there is a good reason for the requirement, not use that electrician again.


Definitely maximum 5 years for a RENTAL property. Upto 10 for a private residence but a private owner is under no obligation to have one, or act on one

As for the 2 years stated - what was the reason ?

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