I am a private landlord renting out a flat, I had an EICR report carried last July, the existing tenants are about vacate, will I have to get a new EICR report done for the next tenants or does this certificate last for 5 years? Thanks.
Your certiifcate will tell you if it should be changed at tenancy or at 5 years
If it says at tenancy it was wrong so next time make sure the electrician gives 5 years
The law is 5 years
The ambiguity from the NICEIC page has been flagged with the NRLA by David Smith so it should read 5 years
Thanks very much A_A, I read the government page and was confused as it seemed ambiguous.
Renewal is at the discretion of the EICR provider, so check what the EICR states, typically three years or more up to a maximum of five years.