If they are a couple I filled in the form for each separate person. The computer system will link them up so don’t worry that you have claimed twice.
Beacause they said whatever they get is not enough and their kids have not enough food.
Thabks Mr T
I will apply now through website.
£ 1100 per year for couple?
No £1100 is the extra payment on top of the normal amount of UC. It’s because of Covid but it be going towards any excess rent as to keep a roof over their head is the priority.
If they have kids they will be getting even more. How many kids are there?
They will also not have to pay council tax.
The housing costs are paid directly to the tenant but the tenant should be passing it onto you as it is for their rent.
They have no right to be keeping it.
A section 21 is only valid for six months including the notice period so how is this going to work with the new 6 month notice period.
The extra is usually used to take the tenants to court if they do not move out on the specific day. If the landlord does not take action it expires within six months and a new S21 needs to issued.
I don’t think the government have thought things through.
You mean there are some things they do think through ???
I have just looked up UC and hard to say what they will get as everyone’s circumstances are different. If also depends if either of them is working part time?
For a couple over 25 with two children and not in work at all from what I understand, is a basic amount of £1150 for food and bills per month. (Rent is paid extra)
Most if not all of council tax paid. Free dentist and prescriptions.
The housing costs which are yours are paid extra to this amount.
They may also be applying for disability benefits so could possibly be getting more.
The housing costs will probably not be all of your rent anyway as the Local Authority Allowance is usually lower than actual rents so whatever is awarded to you, you shouldn’t be worrying about them.
If there are rent arrears as well as claiming a direct payment you can ask for a small amount off their UC be taken towards the arrears.
But these amounts are as I understand it.
why have I worked for the last 50 years??
Haha! Tell me about it.
I was told ours will be referred to the housing team for housing due to being served eviction notices. Who’s fault is that? Both working, being topped up with UC, no vulnerabilities, no kids, new to the country and being housed. Not good news for us as will no doubt they will be told to sit tight until the bailiffs arrive. There’s no reason they can’t get their own rental place. All these poor pensioners and vulnerable being shunted aside to make way for them. I just don’t understand. If your face fits I suppose…
Serious question, there isn’t any council housing anymore surely? And Housing Associations must have waiting lists, so when they say they will house them do you know where this will be at all? Just wondering.
I have just done an exercise. If as LL’s we don’t have any income or savings it doesn’t appear we would qualify for UC as our rental property would take our ‘savings’ over £16k (although a bit confusing as them mention £6k). So if that was the case how would we look after our needs?
You are right we can’t apply for UC apparently or self employed. No idea personally.
Our income is classified as Investment income as someone on here once pointed out.
The park and soup kitchens for us…
Good question though if anyone knows.
Think the amount between 6k to 16k you get a certain amount knocked off.
e.g. For every £1 you have saved over 6k, you get 50p (or whatever it actually is) off your benefits.
you would have to sell your investment to receive benefits and give a huge amount of the money away or spend it quick
Yes. What would anyone do up until it was sold?
Hypothetical but I wonder how you can sell it with a tenant in it who is not paying rent and is unlikely to be evicted for another year?
You can put it for auction with tenants in situ but think this six month ban is going to put the brakes on investors wanting to take the plunge or the risk with what they may be inheriting… They will probably be more interested in vacant properties than the ready tenanted.
Not sure if you have to supply the rent account into the Legal Pack or not.
Mmm, rather restricts your market doesn’t it.
Yes definitely and sure somewhere on all the documents you have to fill in you must have to state the situation somewhere.
My landlady still selling
And makes it harder for them trying to find a new place