EWS1 form confusion B2 to B1

Hi All. Currently i am looking into purchasing a high rise that is in the process of obtaining a EWS1 form. However, the e-mail with the building management below is saying it is currently a B2 and will be B1, but from my research B2 means not adequate and need remediation and no mortgage. But e-mail below is suggesting B2 is possible to be accepted by lenders.

Could I ask if there is anyone experienced this or know what actually is happening and whether this e-mail has been sugar coated?

Any suggestion helps!

I can confirm that Countryside have received the report from Ashton Fire and are currently reviewing it in further detail. They will send a list of information requirements (building life systems, maintenance records, etc) to L&Q on Monday Feb 1.

Currently all blocks would receive a B2 EWS1 form. To achieve a B1, Ashton will need further information, ideally further evidence from the build, or potentially complete intrusive surveys.

Countryside are expecting further information on what they will need in mid-February and if intrusive surveys are needed, they will likely to take place in Feb and March.

Ashton Fire have not recommended any interim fire safety measures, such as waking watch.

At the moment, we anticipate a potential date for a B1 EWS1 to be the end of March or early April, which would leave time for intrusive surveys and remedial works, if any.

As an interim measure for residents, we are potentially requesting a B2 certificate, which would be complemented by confirmation that residents will not be charged for this work . This has previously been accepted by lenders as a way to complete their transactions before receiving a B1 rated certificate.

We will formally write to residents with this information next week.