Im lucky in that Ive got several folk that are very keen to rent my place. None of them tick all the boxes of course! One is best on paper…highest salary etc but is very keen to choose colours and carpets and specify all sorts of things (Im refurbishing but sticking to my guns)…and messaging alot! Experienced landlords, whats your instinct? Will someone like this settle down once they’re in or will they drive me mad?!
Unsurprisingly, it’ll be difficult for anyone to comment on this, and if they do it’s likely comments will be based on stereotypes, which aren’t a good way to do business.
Youre right Karl…silly question really…cant predict what people will be like. Thanks for answering anyway
All I’d say is that they already seem to be irritating you so…
I had prospective tenants look at my house once, who offered to pay for new carpeting throughout, redo the kitchen at their expense and paint the inside walls, making the house ‘of their choice’.
The house had been recently done and was great/top notch.
After viewing, they emailed me to ask if they could also completely redo the bathroom.
I told them they were not the tenants for me.
What if I had agreed and they soon moved and/or tried to claim an interest in the house?
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