How long does the initial full deposit and rental payment take to clear?

I sent the full deposit and rent to OpenRent through the ‘UK Bank Transfer’ option. It’s cleared on my end and money has left my account but it’s been almost 36 hours and OpenRent are yet to acknowledge they’ve received it so that I can pick up keys.
How long does a UK bank to UK bank transfer take? And what’s the earliest timeframe we can expect OpenRent to acknowledge the payment?

Most internal UK bank transfers are instant. As to how long OpenRent takes to acknowledge receipt is really only something they can confirm.

If you used BACS or SWIFT I believe it takes 3 days, otherwise a direct transfer (UN Bank Transfer) is instant by day, but may not arrive until between 8 and 9 in the morning if sent late evening / during the night.

In all cases they are subject to a potential delay for in-depth fraud checking, in which case I have no experience, otherwise if a suspected fraud occurs, at the moment you make your transfer request, almost immediately you will be informed by a message on your device and you will be contacted by phone, and possibly email, as the payment will have been stopped. You then need to get their agreement to let the next payment attempt to get through.

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