How to find an accommodation for New Skilled Migrant

We have got the workpermit to UK recently and planning to move at the end of April 2023 with my family. Unfortunately very heard to find the accommodation around Luton, once we find any thing the land load is asking salary slips for last 6 months. How we can submit the slips before start the work?

You need to show a contract of employment showing your future income . The contract needs to be at least for 2 years and net of tax income at least 3 times the rent .Also a Guarantor would most likely be needed usually a relative already here . Without that you will have to move into the worst accommodation which is houses of multiple occupancy sharing with drug addicts and the workshy.This hopefully will only be temporary as you will develop a footprint here and move onto something better .
This is the reality for new arrivals .

i bet you get a response from people in HMO S on that post

You must live in a bubble down south . Up here in the North HMOs have totally ruined what were lovely local communities . Even the ones run properly following licensing rules are a focus for antisocial and illegal activity and dont get me started on the ones operated by rogue landlords who dont follow any rules .

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