Im being made homeless in less the 3 weeks and one one will help us i have 3 kids as well can anyone help?

Im being made homeless by my landlord in a matter off weeks i have 3 kids and the council wont help me because my landlord is claiming rent arrears when there is none… i need help fast can anyone help

you have missed out what of lot of people wanting help miss out . WHERE are you looking for?

Nottingham beeston area

Can you show the council your bank statements to prove you have paid the rent?

Dear Eve

When you say you are being made homeless in a matter of weeks you don’t say what stage the eviction process is at. ?

I am presuming the landlord has not yet gone to court to gain a possession order if he is claiming rent arrears as a ground and you don’t have any.
He can’t evict you without a possession order and you must have notice served on you of he court hearing - if as you say there are no rent arrears then that is a solid defence you can raise before the hearing and the eviction cannot go ahead on the grounds of arrears (unless arrears are paid off but he is relying instead on persistent and repeated late payments.)

Take advice from CAB , housing charity or solicitor .

If the landlord has been granted possession and the bailiff is coming - make sure you make arrangements to move your stuff and you children - and find storage for anything you don’t want to lose.

Councils rarely give those evicted tenants immediate access to a council home any more - most go into emergency accommodation , a hostel or hostel room (not a lot of fun with kids) sometimes for very a long time… It is essential if you have kids you ask that a caseworker , social worker or support worker is present at the eviction to ensure their welfare. You should also contact their school so they know what is happening and let them know of any change of address. they may be able to arrange support and advocate fo your children’s welfare .

I am a landlord - and I know it just isn’t true any more that people facing homelessness especially with arrears “get a council house” - mostly they don’t.

I hope you’ll find somewhere but it is tough getting private rented property right now. There are more people wanting rented accommodation than places available. I have no properties that are not filled right now. And many are struggling to afford the higher rents landlords are forced to charge to meet all the new extra costs they have to pay before they even make anything from from their job.

you will have to scan the adverts and apply and do viewings ASAP - put your best foot forward - be upfront about your income, savings debts - you can’t afford to waste time being referenced only to be rejected because you fail affordability tests - but be quick as many properties have a holding deposit placed in a matter of days after first viewings. And if you can get anyone with a solid income and who is a home owner to act as a guarantor that ups your chances of getting a place massively.

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Please can anyokne help

Eve, can you prove you dont have rent arrears via bank statements? Provide positives if you can.

Mark107 has provided a lengthy response, there’s some questions in it which might allow people to help.

They dont go back that far and i have changed banks since i have tried they dont go that far back cuz of data protection

Banks have to keep records of all transactions for atleast 6 years even on closed accounts. You can request a copy of your bank statements still to prove your case, unless it was longer than 6 years which is unlikely?

You can get replacement bank statement any time.

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Your LL can’t make you homeless in three weeks. He has to give you at least two months, then it’ll be a few months in court and bailiffs. That’s plenty of time to move on. We are now having a Tenant who also cried: “You’re throwing me out on the street and making me homeless! Two months is not enough to find a place”. Then she said that she can’t find anything suitable and asked for an extension for two more months. We granted it only on a condition that she pays an increased rent, and she found a place the next day. Talk about hypocrisy.
I hope that in your case it’s a genuine lack of knowledge. However, telling us that you can’t get latest bank statements to prove that you paid the rent, makes me think otherwise. Nobody will be sorry for you here. And nobody will give a place to somebody who is evicted for non-payment of rent and wouldn’t give a proof otherwise.

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“data protection” rubbish. They are your bank statements ,not someone else. A landlord will not evict a good tenant… There has to be a good reason for his action, something you are not telling us?

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Thata my point i cant go any further and no theres nothing else to tell you thankyou…dont u think ive already gone down the road

No sane person will believe that you are being evicted for rent you didn’t pay over 6 years ago, and for some reason the landlord waited until now to kick you out for it.

In this world if it looks like one and sounds like one… then it is one…

There’s consequences for being irresponsible.

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They just keep trying, don’t they? At least, you can commend them for tenacity. Not so much for integrity.

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Believe me there landlords like this apparently… citizens advise have said this is no unusual and its wrong to claim when they have been forfilling there duties as a land lord to do repairs

Yes some people do not live up to their end of the deal that’s for sure.

Thankfully there are systems in place to deal with those that don’t.

Unfortunately a lot of people try it on without having a clue, they usually get their comeuppance.

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  1. So, how are you being made homeless in three weeks if any eviction process takes several months from start to finish?
  2. Is your landlord evicting you by Section 8 for “non-payment of rent”? If you really paid all your rent as you say you did, then it’ll be thrown out of court. And you have nothing to worry about )))

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