Inventory dates 4 years before we moved in!

Can anyone please help.

We have lived in this current property for 12 years. My landlord has decided to increase the rent from £820 to £1000 per month so we’ve decided to move out. We’ve got a new place, notice was given. All was well until the property management team for William H Brown got involved.
When we 1st rented this house it was rented through a small independent rental agent who has now retired and the landlord went with William H Brown going forward.

We’ve been sent an inventory which was done by our old rental agent dated 2006. We moved in to the house in 2010. We hadn’t seen this inventory before yesterday and half the stuff on there wasn’t even here when we moved in. The house has since had work carried out, new windows and French patio doors yet it isn’t reflected in the inventory.

Now we are being made to return the house back to how it was in 2006, 4 years before we moved in. Is this right, can they do this?

tell them to bring back the old windows .You will rip out the new ones and put it back to 2006. call their bluff a Judge will laugh at their request They cannot ask you to put it back to a date before you moved in .That is plain stupid

Unless they have an inventory from 2006 signed by you or other strong evidence of the property contents and condition from the start of your tenancy, they have no chance of enforcing this demand.

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