Inventory questions

A couple of questions regarding a paid for (OpenRent) inventory:

  1. How many days before tenants move in would you recommend conducting an OpenRent Inventory? Days? A week? I’m thinking a week before would give the clerk enough time to compile and publish their report.

  2. Do the tenants have to be present when the clerk is conducting the inventory? Or can it be done independently? Better if can be done independently.

  3. Would the tenants need to conduct their own survey of the property before move in date and before they sign the inventory report?

  4. At which point do the tenants sign the inventory report?

Many thanks
(Apologies if many of these questions have been asked before)

I’d also be interested in the answers to these questions. Have you had any private responses?

Hi, I prepare a brief inventory and condition report myself, and take lots of photos before the tenant moves in, I ask the tenant to sign in exchange for the keys. Sometimes a tenant notices little things I had missed, e.g. a small chip in one drawer of the freezer, and I’m happy to acknowledge such things, even up to a week after they move in.
I accept that in this imperfect world, there are always a few small things I need to fix after a tenant leaves. If the tenant has caused a major problem, then I agree to withold part of the deposit.
I used an inventory clerk once and felt it was not worthwhile.