Is Door Bell a Mandatory Facility To Provide For Tenants

Is door bell a mandatory facility requrement to be provided to tenants? So, if provided by the LL they must see to the ongoing maintenance including change of batteries etc. Door bells have changed overvtime and have become user friendly, cheaper too, battery operated with no requirement for hard wiring and the tenant can take them with them when they move. Some tenants prefer certain types anyway, even ‘Ring’ for security. So even if LL take all efforts installing a door bell, tenants might end up putting theirs, thereby having two bells at the door. Hence my question - Is door bell really mandatory for LLs.

No like a toilet seat not mandatory but useful

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You could have a clause in your contract making all consumables, such as light bulbs, batteries, toilet rolls etc, the tenants responsibility.

Thanks all. David122, so, without the clause, can the alternative be to ask the tenants to buy a plug in wireless door bell, which will belong to them and they can take it with them at the end of tenancy. I don’t know, has any one had any problem with this.

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IN any case, door bells have to somehow be fitted onto the door. If you are happy about having several different holes being made where tenants stick their doorbells, then that’s £20 well saved.

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wireless door bells are very good or in flats many use the mobile

The button push will have batteries even with the plug in bells.

To be frank I think this is an economy too far. I would suggest you buy a plug-in doorbell. Even without an explicit clause in your tenancy agreement, it would be hard for the tenant to persuade a judge that the landlord should be providing the batteries as its accepted practice that the tenant pays for consumables.

Toilet rolls ……
Do you normally provide these ?:joy:

and tissues to wipe their noses , but only once a day

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