Landlord has put my name on Water Bill

Today I got a letter from the water company thanking me for opening my account.

I never opened the account.

Most certainly it was opened by my landlord who put my name on it.

Bills are included in my rent, I am not responible for any bills.

What should I do to deal with this fraud?

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this is probably a computor letter. simply write back to them and correct it

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Please don’t make accusations before confirming the facts.


I’ve been living here for a number of years. I am supposed to move out shortly. How did my name get put on the bill a week ago Mark10?

well if you write to them you will find out Naughty . sorry I mean Northey


Ask the water suppliers, they should be able to confirm. You may find out it’s not fraud, if it is then moan away.


A bit late in the day but, I take it you have on your agreement all bills included.

Yes, it says in my contract the utility bills are included in the rent.

Ask the landlord whats gojng on.

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Then you have nothing to worry.
You haven’t sign a contract with the water company

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You are being quite condescending when you don’t even know the facts, I find this shocking!!

Do you see how ironic that is? I suggested that they find out the facts first, before labelling another person a fraudster. That’s the problem with this world, people pointing the finger before knowing the facts. Maybe it’s just a mistake. What if they were to tell everyone in the HMO how evil the landlord is and it turns out to not be true!!!


To be clear: I find it shocking a bill came in their name!!! When they did not enter into any contract. The only person who could have done this is the LL. The utility company is outrageous for doing this. Tenabt just contact utility company, show your contract & tell them you are going to report them. Tell the LL they have committed. A breach of data protection for passing on your details without any consent. Contact the ICO to report the breach of data protection.

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Shocking. Then you must be easily offended . Never had a bill that was wrong? Utility companies do it all the time


My heart would sink if you were on my (hyperthetical) jury.

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You should see the argument I’m having with Shell :rofl: They are obviously never wrong (in their opinion).

Although I’m arguing with them now just to get them to apologise for their cock up without a but… (excuse, excuse,excuse), and they just can’t do it!


How’s that saying go…. “assumption is the mother of all @&£# ups” or something like that.

A landlord would have to be pretty dumb to change a communal water bill into a single tenants name and think that it would go unnoticed and unchallenged. It’s hassle for them. Law of probabilities?..…


I can confirm about shell . They wanted to charge me on my commercial unit ÂŁ12 a DAY standing charge on a gas meter and I had never used gas .I told them to take the meter out They did so and twice after . Sent a meter reader around to read a non existant meter !! Avoid Shell and Opus energy

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I appreciate the support Amy8. Who else benefit’s from doing it? Of course it was the LL.

Have you fell out with your landlord? Do you owe any rent or anything? Would they have a reason to play dirty?

There is no way you could be liable anyway, just show them your tenancy agreement and ask who opened the account.