Landlords Not Replying to Viewing Requests - why?

Hi everyone,

I have been searching for a property for quite a while now, I have messaged multiple landlords requesting viewings, telling them about myself, the fact that I have a personal guarantor, will look after the property, have good references from other landlords etc and have politely asked if the property is still available and would we be able to arrange a viewing. I get auto-responses with more questions to some applications, which I respond to immediately. Otherwise I am completely ignored, by genuinely every single landlord I have messaged.

What am I doing wrong? Have I messaged too many landlords now and am blacklisted and haven’t been told? I’m seriously confused, OpenRent seems to be such an active platform with so many properties however no one is replying to potential tenants. Please can someone shine some light on this as it just seems bizarre.

Or are landlords genuinely getting hundreds of messages per property and I’ve been really unlucky, if so, if you’re a landlord what do I need to say initially to get a reply?

Thank you all in advance.

Which area? Last one my friend posted got 104 enquiries and that was not London

Manchester city centre and Manchester South is where I’m looking!

Do not know about that area . But I can tell you some things landlords generally do not want .Anyone with CCJ S . Pets. Smokers non workers All of this to a % Potential tenants have to be financially sound , best in their own right and maybe with a guarantor

As a single you are risky, only one income. Guarantors are a big hassle to pursue. I get 100 enquiries per flat and have to filter somehow. I won’t speak to you as I can’t speak to 100 people. I need 2 incomes.

I aways require 2 incomes. I also get 50+ requests per property, arrange 5-6 viewings and always get at least 2 pay a holding deposit. This is within 36 hours of listing the properties. Its a tough market for renters currently as there are so many.

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Unfortunately for tenants, the huge amount of landlords selling up has restricted the available housing stock leading to more competition for the remaining properties, and it isn’t unusual for landlords to get a large volume of enquiries for their property. As a single income with guarantor, have you considered a room rent/shared housing arrangement rather than looking to rent an entire property? You might find you have more success finding something there?