No show of viewings

It is 2023 and still this platform does not have anything where landlords can report a no show of tenants turning up to view. All landlords need a heads up, as so much time wasted.

Whilst Open Rent gets a lot if enquiries to view, we have always found 70% are time wasters and fail to show up to their appointments.

If no system, then we will advertise elsewhere in future

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Where else would you advertise that has such a system in place? Which site is better?

Personally, Iā€™ve not had a major ā€˜no showā€™ rate. I view it as rude, but its a risk of doing business, and I just ā€˜decline & move onā€™. Every business has some rude people as customers / prospective customers.


spot on answer I also run another business and the amount of enquiries that turn to nothing is big

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Well no-shows certainly are a problem but there are ways to reduce it. Donā€™t assume those potential tenants are only looking at your property, in fact they are looking at about 10 each so you are one in ten, and you may be number one on their list or number 10. We tend to think ā€œoh, i got 100 enquiries, thatā€™s way too manyā€ but if those 100 people are looking at the same say 20 properties then in fact you only have 5.

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Minesh, we let 3 properties through this platform and never had a T not showing up for viewing. However, we did have a big percentage of time-wasters who did show up. The number of those who ā€œloveā€ the place and want it to only disappear later, is unbelievable. Thereā€™re others, who progress as as far as providing the documents, only to continue viewings and find something else later. And thereā€™s the third group (of time-wasters) who actually pay a holding deposit to only disappear later. As decent LL, we always refund the holding deposit, but we probably shouldnā€™t. And, not to forget those who donā€™t read the ad to only realize during the viewing that the property is unsuitable.

And thatā€™s the name of the game. You just have to put up with it. You also have to distance yourself emotionally from the whole experience and do what you need to do. It will also protect you from TT who start pity-party and beg to ā€œgive them a chanceā€.

I once read on one forum on Reddit T saying that she always tries to look very eager and enthusiastic, and always sound positive and wanting to get a place. Apparently, she does it during every viewing to give LL impression that she may be their next T to buy herself more time and keep a few properties to herself for a few days.

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actually you can reduce the number of time wasters by keeping to very tight timetables. Advertise on the wednesday and do the viewings at the weekend then contract during the next week. its those LLs who advertise weeks in advance of it being available, then string out the viewings, that will see a lot of time wasting

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Block viewings for me , then when some do not turn up others are there

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Works both ways. I have turned up at a property and the potential Landlord has not turned up. No contact before or after. Try to contact on here and they have cancelled enquiry. Then property shows a couple of days later as let.

All boils down to the character of the individual. For me, though frustrating, I look at it is a lucky escape as I would have had to deal with this unreliable and untrustworthy individual long term once a contract is signed.


Definitely a lucky escape. Though mostly itā€™s a behaviour seen from TT. It doesnā€™t make them untrustworthy. Disrespectful, yes. But then we have a culture of disrespecting LL. Or, rather LL and TT donā€™t have as much trust and mutual respect as Iā€™d love to see. Constant blame-shifting.

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Agree, respect should be shown by both parties, itā€™s a long term commitment that should not be abused. But unfortunately some do not approach it that way, why I keep seeing so many negative forums on here, she said he said. Shame, as LL and TT are both going to gain if there is consent respect.

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