Viewings - no shows

I’m getting really fed up of prospective tenants found through Openrent not turning up to viewing appointments.

I’ve tried open house type viewings but that doesn’t really work for me as I want to get a good feel for anyone I’m considering renting to.

Third no show in a row just now - all viewings confirmed through Openrent.

I know it tells me I don’t want the tenant if they don’t have the courtesy to cancel, but it wastes a lot of time.

Do most people find that the majority of viewings set up through Openrent (and not cancelled before the viewing time) are no shows?


Its not Openrent. If you used a agent, likely they would be experiencing this on your behalf. This is sadly, a risk of self management, in the discourteous world in which we live.


I think it’s essential to talk to all of them on the phone before committing to viewing. Emphasise the need to let you know if can’t make it.

Make it more personal, it’s too easy to not show up when it’s arranged just by messaging system.


It’s interesting, I used to advertise on Facebook, and almost everyone showed up, although the quality of a lot of the applicants was very poor.

Yes I might start ignoring Openrent’s advice only to use their messaging system and call tenants before arranging viewings.

I wish Openrent would show landlords the number of no shows recorded for each tenant, would make it much easier to weed out serial time wasters.


I ask for the tenants number once the viewing is arranged.


Me too, but they invariably don’t answer if they have decided not to come.

I wonder how quickly you arrange the viewings. Landlords tend to forget that tenants also have a long list of properties they are considering, and you might be number 20 on their list. If there is too long a gap between arranging and doing a viewing then you reduce the chance of getting a tenant. Normally for me it is 2-5 days, anyone above 5 days often ends up as a no-show or some other form of time waster (from my perspective) as they have in the meantime found a place and grabbed it. Basically everything needs to move super fast.


I give them my phone number and ask them to call me an hour before viewing to confirm they are coming. I’ve had one confirm an hour before and still no show and then try a week later …
So I blocked her
I also ask filter questions before they arrive so the unsuitable are not even entertained

No call saves me the trip

I try and avoid weekends at all cost and push it to Sunday afternoon
The worst thing is losing a Saturday to no shows as you can’t go anywhere


I don’t arrange viewings until I’ve seen that the T will be suitable for a property and for us. My autoresponse asks them to call me. I go through a checklist of questions with them and if no bad vibe then I send them a data form and ask for soft copies of 6 months bank statements, payslips, references (which I follow up) and ID. If all that checks out, I arrange a viewing which 99% of people turn up to because, by then, they’ve demonstrated that they are serious.

I’m not going to waste time on viewings when something as simple as affordability can be checked remotely relatively quickly.

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:point_up_2: Nice tip. Consider that added to my workflow


After my last experience giving someone my phone number who was insistent ‘the app is bad’ I would not give it out again so quickly! Got pestered a lot and ended up blocking the number.

I scheduled last viewings on two days in half hour blocks so if someone doesn’t show it wasn’t so bad.

I find it all very stressful however it goes… but rather that than pay 7% ongoing agents fees.


Yes, I’ve tried making phone contact as early as possible, but last week I had a guy who failed referencing blame me for that and call 30 times within an hour. He withheld his number so I’ve had to block all withheld numbers for now (which includes the NHS unfortunately). Might be worth putting up with this sort of thing occasionally for the time saved though.

I can see why you do that. It feels harsh asking for it before they have even viewed, but I guess it would save me a lot of time. I always ask for bank statements before offering a tenancy, but only 3 months - do you find it’s worth asking for 6? Three seems to be what lenders ask for.

I’ve not dealt with a lender for a very long time so wasn’t aware of that. Quite often, people give me up to the current month so in real terms it’s five and a bit months. If that was 2 and a bit months, I’d find that not a lot to go on. Six months allows for a really good stretch of spending habits to be visible. You can also see how the overall balance changes e.g. are they saving month on month or do they have months where they have virtually no or negative balances. Harder to hide that kind of behaviour over a longer stretch of time.

If you don’t want to give your number
Ask them to confirm an hour before through the messaging portal

If they don’t confirm you don’t make a wasted trip

I also only do viewings at the beginning or end of the day unless I’m working at the house do it doesn’t crash my day

Those that want it will work with you not against you
I take it as part of the interview process

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Good morning Jon,

I don’t think you can blame Openrent.

When I receive interest from a potential tenant.

  1. I send 5-6 brief questions to the applicant via Openrent messaging .
  2. If he answers most of them, and I feel comfortable, I suggest a brief phone call.
  3. At the end of the phone call if I am still comfortable I give him a half hour slot on the viewing day on either Saturday or Sunday. I then email and confirm the appointment, attach the “How to Rent” Government publication, tell him to be prepared to show bank statements on his phone or in paper form, proof of emplyment and ID at the viewing if he likes the property. I ask him to email me and confirm the appointment.
  4. When he replies I then send the Openrent confirmation of viewing.

I find this approach works as you “separate the wheat from the chaff.”



Genuine question is there provision in your autotesponse for someone who is hard of hearing to contact you? Genuinely curious not meant as having a go

well they can message me to that effect and I’ll take it from there so, yes…


i have used an agent a few times and they do a block of about 5 views at a time . , Inevitable one will have cancelled They have already filtered out dozens for me

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I make them jump though hoops before allowing them to view.
I get ID first check them out and if they fit do a viewing

Out of 30 people I let about 2-3 view and they always rent. Ask them for deposit to secure before taking off the market.

If someone can’t be bothered to send ID then they don’t get to view.

Don’t waste your time doing viewings. Get ID and ask questions first.

I have a website with rules. They have to read the rules before they get a viewing too

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