Reference check employment options

The only options for employment are permanent or contract. I am still on probation so I am not permanent and I’m not a contract employee so what do I put?

surely you are on contract and one of the terms of that contract is that you have a probationary period. Just choose that option.

If its intended to be a permanent position, then you would answer accordingly.

I was looking at it from a LL’s point of view David. In terms of risk, the applicant doesn’t have a permanent contract yet and if he applied and ticked an option saying he did and I subsequently found out (say through referencing) that he was on probation, that would take me aback. Probation is just that, and is entirely contingent on the employee’s performance which, as a LL, I have no guarantee of. I would want to know about that up front.

@Natthanit have you asked your prospective LL what option you should tick? Are they aware of your probationary status?

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They are aware I’m on probation and have said in email that it won’t affect my application as I have been working for 7 months already. I think I’ll have to contact them and just warn them the referencing only has two options as I don’t want to be accused of misleading them. My concern is I tick the wrong box and they say I’m misleading them and end up keeping my deposit.

absolutely… this is exactly what I wanted to protect you from. Yes, call them and ask them which option they prefer. Wow… 7 months is a long time to be on probation!

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I would say you have a ‘permanent’ contract, although the probation is a method by which your employer could terminate it.

I believe ’ contract’ would mean a ‘more fixed term contract appointment’.

I may be wrong, and hence the descriptions are easily confused/misleading.

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To my knowledge being on a contract would mean I’ve agreed to work for a certain amount of time (e.g., a year) which isn’t my case. My employment isnt scheduled to end after a certain amount of time which is why I feel like it’s not contract?

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I get that point of view. However, you don’t have a permanent contract either. From a LL’s point of view, I’d want to know that you’re on probation and that there’s a risk you could be unemployed at the end of your probationary period. For that reason, selecting “contract” would mirror that risk for me.

If you were my applicant, I’d want to have a conversation with HR about their advice on whether they’ll be offering you permanent employment or not.

After messaging OpenRent they have told me to select permanent as that will be my employment option after passing probation. I also emailed the landlord to tell them I selected permanent after explaining the situation. Thanks to everyone that offered their help!