Rent Guarantee Insurance with Incomplete Employer Reference

Hello. Our prospective tenant’s employee is unable/unwilling to submit an employer reference via the OpenRent platform and instead has sent an email with a PDF reference to Open Rent which the tenant has forwarded to me.

I would like to purchase Rent Guarantee Insurance, but don’t know if this will be possible if the OpenRent platform is stating that the reference is incomplete.

Can anyone advise whether or not this would be a blocker to me buying Rent Guarantee Insurance, and if so, suggest a suitable solution?

Yes, as they have not been vetted. Also, what reason would they have for this - this sounds very dodgy.

Also, the rental insurance on here isn’t (at least wasn’t) worth its cost. Too many limitations.

Thanks for the reply. In the end the employer (a government department with lots of unecessary red tape) emailed the reference to OpenRent and it appeared belatedly on the platform so the references were passed.

Out of interest, are you able to elaborate on why the rental insurance isn’t/wasn’t worth it?


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