Rent payment to OpenRent account

Hi, I rented last month using OpenRent and made the payment of the deposit and first months rent using my card. I did not use the bank transfer service. Now for the second months rent, I received email from OpenRent where they have given a bank account number and a sort code. When I try to pay using the bank app to that account number, the app can not verify the account number/sort code. I just want to make sure I am transferring to the correct account before I proceed with the transfer. I can not find an openrent customer care phone number so am writing here.


So that account number is your landlord’s. From month 2 you pay your landlord directly. Therefore, the name on the receiving account should be your landlord’s not Openrent’s!

Make sure you also contact your landlord if you are now late with rent.

It depends if the landlord uses openrents rent collection service. If they do you will be paying open rent.

It is common for the bank not to be able to verify their account, it’s probably fine, if you are logged in and received their bank details via secure message then it will be OK.