Weird tenant question

This may seem a bit weird, but I was emailed by a landlord out of the blue telling me about a flat I enquired about on here, there was no sign of it in “my enquires” section on my profile, I don’t recall messaging this person or even the area, he has a bit of a dodgy email address as well, I just wanted to find out if there are potential scammers on here and is there anyway I can check if these people are genuine or not?

I’m sure there are scammers who use the site. Never hand over money to a “landlord” or “agent” until you see evidence that they own the property or have authority to let it.


It is not unreasonable for a (potential) tenant to ask a landlord to show clear proof of ownership of a property. I’ve had this a few times. I’ve shown the tenant the Land Registry title showing my name and my passport. Easy and enquirer satisfied.


i always say to a potential tenant Ask such and such a person down the road , or in the same building what I am like as a landlord

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