How do you know what platform the inquiry comes from?

I’d like to look into it and get some statistics but just don’t see how to find out if it’s RM, Zoopla, etc. I’d love to know if a single valuable inquiry came from Gumtree. If anybody can help?

My sense is that telephone enquiries are most likely to come from Zoopla (I don’t know about RightMove).

Now that my advert appears old on Zoopla which shows the date listed, the phone enquiries have dried up. But I am still receiving written enquiries, which I presume are from direct visitors to OpenRent, where the first listed date is not shown.

Though who knows, maybe they also saw the advert on Zoopla and clicked through.

I doubt any quality enquiries will come through from Gumtree. Isn’t it mostly used by overseas scammers these days?

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I can’t find my listing on Gumtree anyway.
Did you find yours?

Previously, I’ve found it difficult to find Gumtree listings created by OR. Prior to using OR, I tried using GT. Utter waste of time. Nothing but chancers and dishonest enquiries.


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