If I go ahead with an Open Rent comprehensive reference check on potential tenants - how does it work please ? What information do I need to obtain from a tenant for Open Rent to carry out their checks?
Do I literally just supply the tenant’s names to Open Rent? And then Open Rent contact them directly for referee names and obtain the references?
the more info the better including an email address. look at it this way .they tell you name, age ,address ,employment, previous landlord etc and you put it on a piece of paper. The check comes back and they have lied . Destroy the paper and do not rent to them
I’m starting referencing for a couple, they share the same email address however https://www.openrent.co.uk/referencing requires a unique email address for each tenant, can you advise how to proceed?
Both tenants will need to have a unique email address. It only takes a couple of minutes for a tenant to set one up with a provider such as gmail or outlook.