The landlord is crazy to ask for such info prior to viewing. I understand the landlord not wanting any time wasters but with this kind of information collection anyone could easily copy your identity. The doctor information request is wild!
I do not think that is ok what this landlord is doing and i see the potential for identity theft to someone receiving this personal data… the referencing tools used at estate agents and presumably on openrent aswell are normally independent where you verify your ID ETC GoodLord for example is one of them.
Agreed - this sounds extremely problematic - the doctor’s details re: mental illness is not only useless (you could have untreated mental illness, your doc would have no idea) but also discriminatory and none of their business!
Definitely sounds like an identity theft scam to me. That they’re said willing to consider universal credit is the very appealing bait which draws potential desperate scam victims who will absolutely give all this information in order to keep a roof over their heads in a hostile marketplace.
Glad to see you’re reporting it. Keep going, and your chin up. I hope you find somewhere suitable soon.
Thank you so much for such a kind informative message.
I will keep my chin up, have made some changes to my search have decided to stay in London, closer to central London. So fingers crossed. Thank you again.
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