Opinions on Housing association EG Cedar Housing

Hi all,

I want some guidance and opinions on using services such as Cedar Housing, 1stchoicehousingsolutions etc.

They offer free service and re-locate UC tenants from London boroughs to more affordable renting options down north.

Has anyone had any experience with these guides of tenancies?

They are setting up 2-year contracts with just a Bond.


You like taking risks ? You have googled these organisations. , working with L A.? I have no experience with them, however the LA are keen to house certain individuals and will promise all sorts to Landlords in order to get their own way . You cannot trust the L A s


By definition, they are housing the tenants that no other landlords will take. Whether there is a real increased risk of damage and/or rent arrears from social housing tenants or whether that is just prejudice, I can’t say, but perhaps you should read some of the other threads on the issue on this and other landlord forums first.