Paint falling of walls

I’m a current tenant 4 years we have handed our 1 month notice to leave the day before new 1 year contract due to £250 increase in rent
The issue I need help on the walls were all cheap trade white emulsion if you wipe the walls the paint comes off
But we painted 3 walls grey which I know we have to paint white so yesterday I painted them first coat I went back up to paint second coat only to find the wall were covered in large bubbles the paint was dry I went to touch the bubble but to my horror it all started to peel off like wallpaper big chunks over 3 foot long 2–3 foot wide the whole wall was stripped with bright shiny magnolia paint my white my grey his white all gone off the walls.
I called a painter he said the walls were either egg shell or oil based paint
I called my landlord who has said I now have to zinseer the walls size the walls lining paper the walls and paint white or loose my £980 deposit
Help in lawful answers please I need that deposit for next property

If you were my tenant, I would want to paint anyway, after 4 years, so would. not charge you a penny.

Check out zinnser Bulls eye 123. It’s white( also tintable) if you’re down to a solid surface it’s a primer sealer but also a finish if you allow to dry and give it additional coats… Might save you a lot of work with the lining which personally I think needs to be done by a professional decorator as the edges have a tendency to show,split and lift if not done correctly.

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