PAT test for gifted items

If the washing machine, fridge freezer, dryer and microwave are gifted by the landlord to the tenants do they need PAT testing?

If PAT test is required when should it be done?
Items where bought last year.
They are only 1 year old.
When is the earliest it should be done?


why put them in in the first place ?

Apparently it is only ‘recommended’ not compulsory.

By gifted, do you mean the tenants get to keep them if they move out?

As Colin says, when tenants leave remove them unless the fridge is integrated.

Property is let as “Unfurnished”.

The items (dryer, washing machine, microwave and fridge-freezer) where bought after the tenants moved in.

So, they are not in tenancy and not planning to include them in the tenancy.

There are 3 tenants (not related) in a single tenancy and only one of them is moving out after the tenancy period is over. So, a new tenancy is created to remove the person who is moving out and include a new person.

The remaining tenants want to keep the items. So, not planning to remove them.
The items are only 1 year old.

The reason those items were gifted to them was to keep the tenants in the property.
They are 3 friends and wanted to rent somewhere and willing to pay good rent.
They did not want to buy white goods to avoid any confusion when they move out.

As Mr. T says, PAT testing is not legally required. It may be a condition of an HMO licence however, and I note that your property is an HMO. If your local authority has an Additional Licensing scheme covering 3 person HMOs then it may have a condition about PAT testing equipment. If you have paperwork that shows that the white goods belong to the tenants, then you would not be obliged to pay for this.