Phantom tenant enquiry notifications

I often find the orange icon, top-left, telling me that I have an unread tenant enquiry.

But actually it’s my own reply to an existing message, for some reason displaying in bold as unread. Odd as I’m the one that’s written it!

I think this may coincide with the legend “Email/SMS notification for enquiry skipped as already viewed online”.

I think this means I am getting this unnecessary notification on the OpenRent website, to tell me that they are not sending me an email copy of the tenant’s enquiry because I’ve already read it.

Is that right and is there any way to make this and any other phantom notifications stop?

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Hi @AB2023 -

Thanks for your detailed report, that’s extremely helpful to us!

Our team are looking into this now, and this behaviour should be fixed shortly.

Kind regards,

I have this too drives me mad



I’ve been informed this was resolved a few days ago. Any enquiries which are marked as unread will need to be viewed, after which, this shouldn’t happen anymore going forward.

If you’re still seeing this issue, after clearing all unread messages, please do let us know.

Thanks again for reporting.

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