Post advert before viewings are possible?

Is it a bad idea to advertise a property on OpenRent a week before the earliest date that viewings can take place?

Is it better to wait and only post it when you can immediately schedule viewings?

If you post it early you can still message with people beforehand, but some might lose interest…

Why not just wait a few days ?

Because then there’s a week less time to find a tenant!

I do have previous experience of using OR. I found people liked to come for viewings for within a day or two of first making contact. Sometimes even the same day.

But surely it’s not the end of the world if they’re told that it will need to be the following week?

There were also some potential tenants who weren’t in the area yet, and in such cases we could start talking in advance of their arrival.

If yo do it in advance, more applicants will drop off (not turn up for viewings). Rental market is moving fast from both ends. People keep viewing, and are more likely to find something else and not cancel with you, if you make them wait. No, it’s not the end of the world.

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Okay, sounds like I really would be best to wait a week then.

By the way something weird I’ve noticed is that if you choose to take down an advert from OpenRent which has not been let, and you specifically tick “No” to the question about if you have found tenants, you then get sent an email stating the opposite:

“Thanks for letting us know your property has been let, the entire OpenRent team wishes you a happy tenancy!”


im with you alexander, bang the advert in, nothing to lose. often new tenants need to give notice. as soon as one set give me notice i advertise it and arrange viewings usually in blocks. we normally re rent seamlessly with no empty times except one daytime where we do cleaning and repairs

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