Tennants doing what they please

Are tennants allowed to build /construct ,change door and attach structure to a neighbours property without the landlords permission?
This has happened to me on my owned property have contacted their landlord who doesn’t seem bothered and not even been to have a look whats going on ,just happy taking their rent.
Even sent him photos including ones with them on my property roof

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If it is some sort of permanent structure they MAY need some sort of planning permission
A call to the local council/planning department may help with that
Also you say YOUR house do you own it or is it also rented if rented get onto.YOUR landlord

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Nobody can attach anything to your property without your consent


Agree with Neelix, if you don’t want it secured to your property, I would write a letter to the property owner, asking that it be disconnected from your property immediately, and any damage 'made good to your satisfaction.

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Contact the planning office.

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Normally the council planning office will jump on these things, they love being busy. When i was doing my extension I had the neighbours engaged in a vendetta on me calling them out every five minutes, and when they didn’t get what they wanted they decided to get the trees growing in my garden protected just to pee me off.

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I spoke to council who said as height is within what is allowed no planning permission is allowed even though its attached to my home which I own. Plus they were not given permission by me to encroach on my property and didn’t even inform their landlord who initially called them to stop but they continued a few days later and has not even come to have a look when I sent him photos of what thwy had done.

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I have called,messaged their landlord and hes promised multiple times to come and look (have sent him multiple photos) and still not been

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You need to get legal advice at this point. The only lever the landlord really has is to try to evict them, which doesn’t solve your problem.

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Can you disconnect it yourself?

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Check to see if you have legal cover on your home insurance and what it covers.

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I’m intrigued. When you say it is “attached” to your home, can you describe that in more detail?


There are some rights to work on shared structures. This is governed by the party wall act, eg see The Party Wall etc Act 1996: explanatory booklet - GOV.UK

Normally a tenant can’t do this because landlords don’t let a tenant modify their property, but if this landlord is allowing it, then effectively I guess they are using those rights.

You don’t say exactly what they are doing so we can’t say what level of agreement is required. The act separates things into 3 categories, and this could be in any of the three:

  • things so minor that notice is not required, eg screwing a shelf to a shared wall
  • things where there is a right to do it, but notice is required, eg repairs to a wall
  • things where the act does not give a right, so they would need your agreement

All this only applies if it’s a ‘shared wall/structure’, if the wall is fully on your side of the boundary then it’s wholly yours and they can’t do anything to it without your permission.