I place an advert on Openrent and they publish it on Rightmove and other Portals.
Unfortunately The portals change my layout and wording.
I have a property that includes central heating and both water rates, so I have to charge a rent that is a little more to cover this cost.
On OpenRent I tick The Box Bills Included, then in the description I mention what bills are included.
How do I get the portals to publish my advert saying:-
“Central Heating and Water rates included”
The portals fail to publish this which puts me at a disadvantage as it looks as though my flat is expensive; when in fact it is very reasonably priced.
All listings go through an approvals process when created. For some customers we include a standardised text on listings to ensure that they are suitable to be uploaded onto our partner portals.
If you would like the full description that you provided to be included on your listing, please ensure that it complies with the listing description guidelines, which you can find below:
No ALL CAPS sections (bold is better suited)
No links / urls
No personal contact details (phone numbers / email)
Reasonable spelling / capitalisation / number of paragraphs
No first person references (e.g. I am renting my spacious 2 bed)
No references to Agents (e.g. No Agents)
No full property address (e.g. door number, full postcode)
You’re more than welcome to adjust your listing description at any time, and you can also amend your account preferences via the link below so that your listing will only be published with its full description:
If you have any questions regarding this, or relating to your specific listing, please feel free to contact us here